Choose your Microsart® Rapid Mycoplasma Detection
Microsart® Calibration Reagents provide isolated genomic DNA of a specific Mycoplasma species. Titrated genomic DNA can serve for creating standard curves by using dilutions of the material as sample in a quantitative Real-time PCR. Furthermore quantified genomic DNA can be used for specifity testing during assay validation.
To obtain the microorganisms, a special liquid culture medium was inoculated with an early passage strain and harvested at the end of the logarithmic growth phase by repeated washing and centrifugation. After DNA extraction and purification the concentration of the DNA was quantified photometrically (A 260/280) and with an ultrasensitive fluorescent nucleic acid stain for quantitating double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) calibrated to weight reference standards and controlled by qPCR (compared against exactly quantified calibrator plasmids).
ApplicationMycoplasma Detection
Application AreaRapid testing
Biological Information
SpeciesMycoplasma fermentans
Additional Required Components
qPCR cycler
PCR reaction tubes
Centrifuge for 1.5 mL PCR tubes
- PCR kit
qPCR cycler
Filter DiameterN/A
General Specifications
Culture MediaN/A
Detection MethodPCR
Membrane Color | Grid ColorN/A
Materials of Construction
Filter MaterialN/A
Physicochemical Information
Pore SizeN/A
Product Information
Pack SizeN/A
What you receive
1 vial with 10^8 genome copies lyophilized
- 3 vials buffer
1 vial with 10^8 genome copies lyophilized
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