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Mass Comparators (5)

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  • Table Top Robotic Mass Comparators with Max Capacity 6 g
  • Table Top Robotic Mass Comparators with Max Capacity 10 g
  • Floor Standing Robotic Mass Comparators with 10.5 g capacity
    Item no.
    Maximum Weighing Capacity
    10.5 g
    Dimensions WxDxH
    1,950 × 1,350 × 2,330 mm
    Scale Interval
    0.1 µg
    Weighing Pan Dimensions
    49 × 29 mm
  • Floor Standing Robotic Mass Comparators between 10.5 g - 1016 g capacity
    Item no.
    Maximum Weighing Capacity
    1,016 kg
    Dimensions WxDxH
    1,950 × 1,350 × 2,330 mm
    Scale Interval
    1 µg
    Weighing Pan Dimensions
    104 × 68 mm