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Solvent Filtration, Solvent Filtration-mixtures, Clarification
Too coarse-pored
Venting, Moisture barrier, Particle analysis
Solvent Filtration, Solvent Filtration-mixtures, Clarification
≥ 0.9 bar
Venting, Moisture barrier, Particle analysis
Solvent Filtration, Solvent Filtration-mixtures, Clarification
≥ 0.9 bar
Venting, Moisture barrier, Particle analysis
Solvent Filtration, Solvent Filtration-mixtures
≥ 0.9 bar
Ultracleaning of air and gases, Particle Removal
Minisart® SRP
Analytical sample preparation
≥ 0.9 bar (13 psi) with ethanol
Sartocon® and Sartocube® | TFF Microfiltration | CassettesProduct Family
Membrane Materials: Hydrosart® or Polyethersulfone
Effective Filtration Areas: 0.02m² - 3m²
Pore Sizes: 0.1µm | 0.2µm | 0.45µm
Screen Types: Open Channes | Wide Spacer -
Air/Gas Filtration
Analytical sample preparation, Particle analysis
⌀ 200 mm
Sartoflow® Single-Use Flow KitsProduct FamilyKey Features & Benefits
Reduces preparation time
Decreases the need for cleaning validation and the risk of cross-contamination between different molecule productions
Enabels faster change-over between different products
More efficient and productive system use
Increased facility flexibility
Increased productivity per sqm manufacturing space