Take advantage of vertical lab and production space with ourstainless steel stands and module holders to secure your Hollow Fiber TFF Module. The Flow Stands come with height adjusting handles. The module holders have an easy to use handle to adjust the height of your module or assembly.

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Take advantage of vertical production space. Flow stand process and interchangeable flow stand process module holders are designed to securely mount an Investigator, mini-Bioproducer, Bioproducer or Maximizer hollow fiber module in a process development suite. The vertical position of the module optimizes placement of lab equipment and facilitates set up and ease of processing.

  • Take Advantage of Vertical Production Space Designed to securely mount your hollow fiber module or hollow fiber Flow Assembly in a process development suite
  • Optimized placement
  • Reduced footprint Height adjusting handles: Module holders have an easy to use handle to adjust the height of your module or Flow Assembly
  • Capable of holding 12 inch, 24 inch and 41 inch modules (24 inch and 41 inch require two module holders)
