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Analytical Chromatography (24)
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StreamLink® CC 15Product FamilyThe high throughput clarification and/or purification system processes 24-48 cell culture samples of 5-15 mL in as little as 2 hours.
StreamLink® CC 15 controls and simplifies reproducible processes steps. Save time and reduce FTE through the fully automated walk-away solution with integrated error recovery.
PATfix® SolutionsProduct FamilyThe PATfix® system provides modality-appropriate analysis and in-process control for gene therapy and vaccine products. Designed to take full advantage of the capabilities of CIMac™ analytical monolithic columns, the PATfix® delivers fast, high-resolution runs. Operation with multiple detector types provides content- rich analyses even with complex samples. User friendly PATfix® software makes for easy data processing, visualization and sharing.
Rapid at-line analytical chromatography solution for all stages of pDNA processing.
PATfix® pDNA is a biocompatible platform, engineered for pDNA isoform and multimer separation. Built around analytical capability of the CIMac® pDNA monolithic columns, the pDNA platform includes user guides, validated methods, SOPs and pDNA standards and user-friendly PATfix® software.
The perfect detector for analysis of complex samples via fluorescence selectivity
Biocompatible analytical chromatography system with quaternary buffer setup.
PATfix® analytical quaternary system is an at-line tool, to help process developers of novel gene therapies get immediate feedback on their current process state. This enables faster iteration and process optimization towards better purities and higher recoveries. The Sartorius analytical system provides modality-appropriate analysis and in-process control for gene therapy and vaccine products. Designed to take full advantage of the capabilities of CIMac™ analytical monolithic columns, the PATfix® delivers fast, high-resolution runs. Operation with multiple detector types provides content- rich analyses even with complex samples. User friendly PATfix® software makes for easy data processing, visualization and sharing.
When additional sample characterization is required, the fraction collector allows for easy automation of sample collection, that can then be analysed offline in-depth.
Rapid at-line analytical chromatography solution for all stages of mRNA production, purification and quality assesment. Gain immediate feedback on purities and recoveries during process development.
PATfix® mRNA platform is the all-in-one solution when it comes to a wide array of mRNA analytics. It contains all the necessary hardware, software, columns, standard, methods and user guides/SOPs to enable analytical insights from day one. The analytical methods have been developed according to FDA & EMA guidelines.
Cell Line Development, Clarification, Purification
530 × 1,220 × 660 mm
4 bar | 58 psi
Lids for glass bottles with tubing assemblies and breathers and waste waste bottle lid with three tubing assemblies for connection.
Glass bottle set for feed and waste with plain lids and labels