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Solvent Filtration, Solvent Filtration-mixtures
≥ 0.9 bar
1-20 L (20 L 3D mixing bag)
Purification of mAbs, ADC, vaccines, viral vectors, and recombinant proteins, Concentration, Microfiltration, Ultrafiltration, Desalting, Buffer Exchange, Single Use Processing, Antibody Purification, Protein Concentration, DNA Concentration, mRNA concentration
Ultracleaning of aqueous and organic solutions
Minisart® RC
Analytical sample preparation
≥ 2.0 bar (29 psi) with water
Ultracleaning of aqueous and organic solutions
Minisart® RC
Analytical sample preparation
≥ 2.0 bar (29 psi) with water
Ultracleaning of air and gases, Particle Removal
Minisart® SRP
Analytical sample preparation, Venting
≥ 0.9 bar (13 psi) with ethanol
Ultracleaning of air and gases, Particle Removal
Minisart® SRP
Analytical sample preparation
≥ 0.9 bar (13 psi) with ethanol
Ultracleaning of air and gases, Particle Removal
Minisart® SRP
Analytical sample preparation, Venting
≥ 0.9 bar (13 psi) with ethanol
Clarification and particle removal of aqueous solutions such as media, buffers and sera, Clarification
≥ 0.7 bar (10 psi) with water
Minisart® NML
≥ 7.0 bar (102 psi)
Clarification and particle removal of aqueous solutions such as media, buffers and sera
Minisart® NML
Clarification, Particle removal
≥ 1.3 bar (19 psi) with water
Clarification and particle removal of aqueous solutions such as media, buffers and sera, Clarification
≥ 0.7 bar (10 psi) with water
Minisart® NML
≥ 7.0 bar (102 psi)
Clarification and particle removal of aqueous solutions such as media, buffers and sera, Clarification
≥ 0.7 bar (10 psi) with water
Minisart® NML
≥ 7.0 bar (102 psi)
Clarification and particle removal of aqueous solutions such as media, buffers and sera, Clarification
≥ 0.8 bar (12 psi) with water
Minisart® NML
≥ 7.0 bar (102 psi)